-San Luis Obispo County Author-
Lynne Ludwick

The author received a gift from a Viet Cong veteran forty years after the end of the Vietnam War, which prompted her to tell this story. This is a memoir about growing up with her uncle, Eddy, whose life path crossed with this Viet Cong veteran's in 1968. It's a story about the innocence of growing up during the fifties in California, the realities of the Vietnam War, and ultimately, about forgiveness.

Congratulations on an exceptional story, beautifully written.
Temple Emmet Williams
Former editor at The Reader’s Digest
Memorial Day is a time for reflection and remembering those who have died in the service of their country. This year I had the opportunity to read a book about a fallen soldier from my unit in Vietnam. It is truly a small world that 48 years later and 10,000 removed from the location I would have the opportunity to get to know this soldier and gain some solace from a former enemy......If ever I am tempted to lose faith, God reaches out and touches me with a gentle or not so gentle reminder that He is watching over me.
Tony Adams
Vietnam veteran, Alpha Company of the Second Battalion, Twelfth Infantry Regiment (2/12) of the 25th Infantry Division
It's absolutely beautiful that something so meaningful and special and emotionally impactful can arise out of the fires of something very horrid.
Jacob, recent Cal Poly graduate
Your story-telling style is charming while also hard-hitting as you make some honest and profound points. Your ability to describe and transport the reader is amazing. All those wonderful metaphors and analogies! I was there with you every step of the way.
D. Anderson, Cal Trans, retired
It is an incredible memoir, well written from a unique perspective showing the war from her memories, historical glimpses, veteran's accounts and from that of a Viet Cong soldier's eyes.
CG, Amazon reviewer
The book is outstanding!
P. Lockwood, Lt. Col.
You captured the experience of innocence lost with the era of the war.
Cathi Powers, Air Force veteran
An incredible true story of hope and forgiveness.
Lindsey Lau, PhD college professor
Your writing style was so enlightening and the continuous thread of love and lives changed is cause for much reflection. A lovely book well written.
Sharon Pescatore, artist
The tears flowed like wine. Your writing brought everything to life. Exceptional in every way.
Meryl, retired
Moved by a gift from one soldier who surived to the family of another soldier who did not, the author of The Box gives readers a reason to hope.
Susan Stewart, journalist
I couldn't put it down. I shed some tears that I never knew I needed to shed over such a senseless waste of life.
Linda Lewis, jewelry artist
Your book is absolutely great! So bittersweet and poignant. It should be mandatory reading for many of our leaders, to see the perspectives of two ordinary people on different sides of a war.
Debbie Milburn, retired, U.S. Forest Service
What a powerful story you tell in The Box and you tell it beautifully. You put the reader in that Cal Poly parking lot with you, visualizing what was, and the lovely connections between the kids and adults and the land and the life there. Your story captures, I think, the very essence of the tragedy of Vietnam for everyone. Thanks so much for sharing it.
Gail Pruitt, on the board of a Veteran's Museum